14 Things To Know About Your Baby’s Farts

Babies are sensitive and can easily wind up with an upset stomach or unpleasant gas. Their bodies react to any new ingredients or a change in feeding plans. Frequent gas is just one type of reaction a baby’s tummy can produce when it is overwhelmed or upset.

Is it bad if babies fart often? In most cases, it’s pretty standard, but it is advisable to pay attention to reactions to any new food. Sometimes gas will be followed by crankiness or even crying, in which cases the baby is probably experiencing discomfort.

The reason for unpleasant gas passing or frequent gas can be caused by excessive eating, constipation, movement on a full stomach, irritation, etc. Most of these are small-scale problems which occur because the baby has not yet developed a reliable and consistent digestive tract.

We have comprised a list of 14 vital things you need to know about newborns farting to keep yourself informed.

1.Lots of Farts

Rest assured that a baby is supposed to fart a lot. This marks a healthy baby. Don’t worry they will eventually grow out of it, hopefully, by switching to solid foods.

2. Digestive Tract

As we’ve already mentioned, a baby’s body is yet to evolve which means its digestive system has still not developed. This is why milk and formula remain their main food for the first six months. Because they do not digest slowly enough, they tend to get quite gassy when they’re little.

3. Probiotics

Babies are born without any bacteria which aids the process of digestion. They lack probiotics and important enzymes that regulate stomach flora in adults. Only after a few months of eating will a baby develop these elements naturally.

In some cases, doctors recommend giving the baby probiotics if they are too gassy. This would ease their pain and help them digest.

Babies Fart

4. Excessive Eating

Although babies tend to overeat and burp out the excess, they can still be full and produce a lot of gas. This will come naturally for most babies, but for some, it might cause problems such as a bloated stomach and painful passing of gas. Try massaging your baby’s belly to ease the discomfort before consulting your doctor.

5. Swallowing Air

A lot of babies are not yet aware of how to use their bodies and breathe properly. This is why they end up swallowing air out of nowhere. This can happen when they are eating, being surprised, or attempting to talk.

If they don’t burp it out, it will come out the other end as a fart.

6. Crying

Crying can easily cause babies to fart for two reasons. The first one is that they clench their tummies to produce sound and the other is that they can swallow air. Infants tend to cry a lot which is why newborn farts a lot.

7. Belly Rubs

Most stomach problems in babies can be solved with a gentle massage of the tummy. Try calming your baby with belly rubs in a circular motion. You can rest next to them until they’ve successfully passed gas.

In some cases, placing a warm palm or cloth over the baby’s tummy might also help.

8. Movement

If the baby is moved around too abruptly after feeding, they can have gassy reactions. Whether it’s burping, belching, or farting the baby’s full stomach will inevitably be upset because of the movement. Try keeping your baby still for at least 30 minutes after breastfeeding.

9. New Foods

Babies are usually introduced to new foods after six months, and they can have a bad reaction to it. The baby’s stomach is still sensitive so introducing any new food has to be done in small amounts and gradually. Make sure you monitor your baby’s reaction and make the transition to solid foods as smooth as possible.

10. Mom’s Diet

It is well known that what mom eats the baby will receive in some form through the milk. In other words, if mommy eats gassy food the baby will be gassy, too. As a breastfeeding mom, you should avoid these types of food because your baby is not used to it and it can cause severe cramps, pain, and discomfort for your little one. You need to have a good breastfeeding diet plan.

11. Constipation

Some babies become constipated because of new feeding habits but still manage to pass a lot of gas. Constipation probably makes them feel uncomfortable so your little one will become fussy. This happens when you change their feeding habits too suddenly or too often.

Be sure to make transitions from milk to formula or solids as seamless as possible, to avoid constipation.

12. Antibiotics

A lot of moms require antibiotics to put an end to various infections. Unfortunately for babies, antibiotics can cause constipation. This type of medication disrupts the natural flora of the stomach and can cause excessive farting in babies.

The only way to prevent this is to take your probiotics diligently and consult your physician for additional suggestions.

13. Allergy

Unfortunately, some babies can develop a milk protein allergy and can have a bad reaction to it. They would usually get gassy from cow milk. This can be prevented if you drink cow’s milk while you breastfeed so the baby can get used to it.

14. When to See a Doctor

Gasses can become serious when it is unbearable for your little one. If your baby is crying relentlessly, you will need to see a physician for further instruction. Some health issues can only be solved by a professional and will not go away on their own.


Sometimes parents don’t know whether their baby is digesting food properly. A good indicator of a healthy baby is lots of farts. To help them achieve this, you need to keep track of both your and their eating habits.

Breastfeeding moms cannot experiment too much with food, they need to stick to strict eating schedules, and it is advisable to rub your baby’s belly to help the digest.  On the other hand, if your baby is experiencing constant pain and discomfort, you need to see a doctor right away.

Don’t forget to take probiotics if you are on antibiotics while feeding, and always take it slow with new foods. Your baby’s digestive system is fragile, and any novelty should be introduced slowly.


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