When it comes to milk expressing devices, moms usually look for the well-known, reliable brands. And one of such brands is, without a doubt, the Dutch company Phillips – all of their electronic products are famous for the quality and efficiency that they offer, and the same could be said for their breast pumps. We have decided to take a closer look at their AVENT Single Electric model, which is a well-constructed, comfortable, and efficient breast pump that’s highly popular in Europe and USA. Let’s take a look at its features!
- Brand – Phillips
- Model Name – AVENT Single Electric Breast Pump
- Power Source Type – AC/Batteries
- Weight – 1.7 pounds
- Dimensions – 11.9″ x 9.5″ x 3.9″
- Dishwasher Safe – Partly
Features of Philips AVENT Single Electric Breast Pump
The Design
The design of this device is quite similar to that of the other pumps in the AVENT series – it combines the clinical white with some vivid colors and looks sleek and modern. One thing to appreciate here is the compact and lightweight construction of the model – carrying it around in a purse is effortless.
Other things worth mentioning are the compatibility with other AVENT products (such as the bottles), as well as the ability to use the AC power or the AA batteries. This makes the device even more portable, as one is able to use it even when there are no power outlets nearby.
The Assembly
Even though the model comes pre-assembled (apart from the need to connect its tubing), you will still have to take it apart and sterilize it before the first pumping session. There are eight separate pieces in total, and connecting them is easy, although some people might find it a bit confusing.
Those that usually have trouble with assembling will be pleased to know that the included user manual is well-written and comes with a handy diagram of parts. It’s a fold-out page with lots of images that will help you correctly assemble the device.
The Comfort
Our testers were quite pleased with the comfort that the AVENT Single Electric Breast Pump provided them with. With this model, one doesn’t have to lean forward during the milk expression – the device will allow you to pump in the natural expressing position, which is sitting up straight. This doesn’t only make the whole process much more relaxing but also prevents the precious liquid from spilling.
Another thing that makes using this model so comfortable is the presence of the clinically-proven cushion that features soft petals. This portion of the pump is capable of gently compressing the user’s breast and spurring the milk to flow. It can also prevent the liquid from pooling, which contributes to the overall hygiene of the whole process. It’s a standard 25mm shield, but you can also purchase a 19.5mm version online if you have smaller breasts.
The Efficiency
There are only five buttons on this model – three expression settings, stimulation mode, and power – which makes using the pump as simple and straightforward as possible.
Just like on the other electric pumps, the stimulation mode mimics the infant’s initial sucking pattern and should help your milk start flowing. Once the stable flow is established, mothers are able to choose an expression setting that fits them the best. Unfortunately, the model doesn’t have a memory setting or a digital display, which makes using it a bit trickier than it should be. You’ll have to remember the suction strength that feels the most comfortable to you, but that shouldn’t be too hard since there are only three of them.
Getting an airtight seal between the shield and the breast is quite easy with this model, with good suction and no spillage of milk. The pump is very efficient and capable of fully draining one’s breasts, which is something we expected from a manufacturer such as Phillips.
The Hygiene
Sterilizing and keeping this device clean is quite easy – you can do it by hand or use your dishwasher machine. A word of advice, though – don’t forget to check the user manual and find out which parts are safe to put in the dishwasher.
If you notice the condensation in the pump’s tubing, make sure to disconnect it from the body, rinse it, and leave it to dry out. If you don’t do this, the mold could appear in the tubing – and that’s very unhealthy for both you and your baby.
The Noise
We can safely say that the electric breast pumps aren’t really known to be whisper-quiet, but most of them aren’t noisy enough for that to be a significant annoyance. Unfortunately, the AVENT Single Electric can be quite noisy on some occasions – it can be loud enough to wake up the baby or your partner.
With powerful suction, three different expression modes, compatibility with AVENT products, and the overall comfort, the Philips AVENT Single Electric Breast Pump certainly deserves the popularity that it has. We found a few flaws during our testing, but they’re nothing when compared to the pump’s numerous advantages – we recommend it!