8 Home Remedies for Sick Baby

When it comes to common infant illnesses, parents have always looked for natural cures. Today, the use of home remedies for babies is quite common. Whether it is honey that reduces coughing or prune juice which relieves constipation, natural sick baby remedies provide an economical way for easing painful symptoms.

However, not all of these natural treatments can be used with complete peace of mind. For that matter, it’s always essential to consult with your kid’s health professional to ensure safety.

What are the best home remedies for sick baby? Which of them are safe, effective, and baby-friendly? If you’re searching for answers to these questions, you’re at the right place.

#1 – Onion Decongestion

Although a raw, sliced onion surely isn’t the best choice when it comes to air fresheners for your kid’s room, this vegetable has another, very convenient use. It can be of great help with breaking up congestion when your child has a cold. As such, it’s one of the best natural cold remedies for kids.

To use it, take an onion, slice it up, and then place it next to your baby’s crib. It’s one of the best natural cures for a stuffy nose. The reason behind this is the presence of sulfur in the onion, which efficiently draws out fluids and mucus present in the body. It quickly loosens up a stuffy nose without any significant side effects besides the somewhat unpleasant odor in the room.

#2 – Steam Decongestion

Another of convenient home remedies for the flu (clogged nose and cough) is as simple as using the shower.

In case your little one has a stuffy nose, simply go to the bathroom and slowly steam it up. After that, bring your baby to the bathroom and hold it there for some time. This is a much better solution than using humidifiers, which quickly turn everything into a real rainforest. Steaming up the bathroom provides more concentrated steam, and you also avoid getting your living room wet.

#3 – Battling Fever with Lemon

Even though fevers easily scare most parents, they are a good sign that the baby’s immune system is working correctly. Fever in babies that are not older than three months can be a cause of concern, but most fevers aren’t that dangerous. They do little more than making your little one feel uncomfortable.

To tone down the symptoms, take a bowl of warm water, and slice a lemon over it. This will allow you to capture the lemon’s aromatic oils. After that, take a cotton cloth, dip it in the warm lemon water, and give your child a gentle “sponge bath.”

The evaporating water and the cooling properties of this fruit work together in easing up the fever. An important thing to mention here is to avoid using water that’s too cold – you don’t want to shock your little one.

#4 – Stop Cough with Honey

Another excellent cold in child home remedy is honey. Not only does it helps tame a cough, but it also coats and soothes your child’s throat. Some studies have determined that honey is a better choice for reducing coughing than the commercial cough syrups.

How to use it? Simply mix honey with some hot water and some vitamin C (add a squeeze of lemon), and then let the mixture cool down until it becomes lukewarm. A parent can also give its child honey straight from a spoon. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the following dosages:

  • 1 to 5 years of age – ½ teaspoon
  • 6 to 11 years of age – 1 teaspoon
  • 12 years of age and older – 2 teaspoons

Due to honey being sugary and very sticky, the kid will have to brush his or her teeth after taking it. Although it’s one of the best natural flu remedies for toddlers, honey is not suitable for babies under one year of age. This is because it can cause infant botulism, which is a very dangerous and often fatal disease.

honey as a medicine

#5 – Your Diet Affects Baby’s Gas Production

When it comes to tummy aches in babies, one of the most common causes is gas. Burping your child can be of great assistance. However, you should also examine your own diet in case you’re breastfeeding.

If a mother eliminates particular foods from her diet, she may be able to reduce gas production in her baby. The primary culprits are typically the dairy products, as well as beans, eggs, wheat, and veggies from the cabbage family. Other foods that don’t usually cause gas but can make the baby irritable are spices, chocolate, and caffeine. By eliminating some of these foods, a mom can quickly determine if they’re causing gas issues in her infant.

An easy way to find out if a particular food is giving your child gas is by reintroducing it into your menu. If it’s an offender, the junior will scream in a matter of hours after breastfeeding.

#6 – Prunes for Pooping Issues

There is a pretty good reason why prunes are well-known for promoting regularity. This is due to the presence of sorbitol in them, which is a type of sugar alcohol with a temperate laxative effect.

In case your child has hard stools and is straining to poop, you could try adding prunes to his or her diet. Simply put prunes in whatever solid food you’re feeding your kid with. The best way to do this is to mix them with peas and broccoli.

With babies not realizing if combinations such as this one are appetizing or not, they’ll eat with relish due to prunes’ sweetness.

#7 – Hot Water Bottle for Comfort

One of the simplest baby remedies is using a bottle with hot water. Give your sick baby a perfect cuddle companion by swaddling a hot water bottle in a soft cloth or towel.

This classic home remedy works wonders as a source of warmth and comfort. It is especially useful when your little one suffers from chills, upset stomach, or earache. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions when filling up the bottle. Furthermore, make sure to wrap it in a cloth before placing it next to your kid.

Tuck it near a sore tummy, chest, or ear. You can also warm your baby’s chilled toes. Simply enfold the kid’s feet and the bottle with a couple of extra towels.

#8 – Chamomile Compress for Stomach Trouble

Chamomile tea, well-known for its calming properties, can be of great help to your baby too. A popular treatment for insomnia and digestive flare-ups, it can be used as a compress to relieve the baby’s tummy trouble.

To make a compress, take two or three chamomile tea bags (preferably organic), add them to a pot of hot water, and steep. Take a cotton cloth, soak it in the water, wring it out, place it on your child’s tummy, and cover. Keep it there for a maximum of 15 minutes. To keep it warm, try topping it with a hot water bottle.


Make sure to consult with your baby’s doctor before giving any home remedies. Some of these could contain components that may be dangerous to your baby/toddler. As we already mentioned, honey can cause infant botulism when given to children under one year of age, and that’s just one example.


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