
Manual vs Electric Breast Pump: Pros and Cons

It goes without saying that you want only the best for your baby, right? When choosing breastfeeding method, it should be as comfortable for the baby as it is for you. Given that there are two popular methods of breastfeeding, you’ll need to decide which one is better for your infant. Manual or ...

How to Clean an Electric Breast Pump?

After you’ve sanitized your breastfeeding equipment it’s crucial that you air dry it. Simply place it somewhere to hang, and let it air dry. The alternative to air drying it would be to use a dry cloth. Although this method is a faster way to dry your breast pump, you’ll leave small pieces of cloth ...

How to Make Pumping Breast Milk at Work Easier?

Sometimes it’s hard to maintain your breastfeeding schedule with only one pair of equipment right? That’s why you should always double your breastfeeding equipment at work. This will save you a considerable amount of time. You’ll always have a clean pair of breastfeeding equipment at your disposal. ...

How to Clean a Car Seat?

Had the first trip with your child? Congratulations. If you choose to use a booster seat for securing your child during transportation, it’s safe to assume that you had some trouble cleaning it afterward. A booster car seat is the first choice for many mothers, but it does have one flaw. When it ...

Harness Booster vs Convertible Car Seat

When traveling with your infant via plane or by another mean where discipline is important, it’s advised that you use the convertible car seat. Using a harness will secure your baby, but not as much as you want or advised by standards for child safety in vehicles. With a convertible car seat, ...

How to Install Infant Car Seat on Plane?

So you want to travel with your infant baby? That’s great. Whether you’ll want to fly or drive to your destination, you’ll need to secure your child by installing an infant seat. However, installing a car seat in a vehicle and on a plane isn’t the same thing. To install a baby car seat on a plane, ...