Now, when your baby is finally here you will need our step-by-step guides to take care of your little one. Here is everything you need to know about your infant’s health and proper development.
Food To Avoid When Breastfeeding—Your Nursing No-Go List
Eating a healthy, balanced diet when nursing is only a good thing, and some foods can even boost lactation. That said, others can have a negative impact. Hence, it's wise to know what food to avoid when breastfeeding a baby for many different reasons. And, just like the list of no-go’s during pregnancy, the list of ...
Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding to Avoid Colic—Sanity Saving List
If you think, or your baby has colic — I feel your pain. It’s nothing short of a nightmare for mom and baby alike. And, if you’re nursing, no doubt you’ve landed here because you’re wondering whether there are foods to eat while breastfeeding to avoid colic. I’m right, yeah? For starters, one in five babies ...
How To Bathe a Baby — The Step-by-Step Guide To Bathing Your Baby
Learning how to bathe a baby is just one of the many skills you’ll pick up along your parenting journey. However, while splashing about in the tub can seem like fun, it can be a potentially risky business. Hence, particularly while you’re getting to grips with everything, it could make you feel incredibly nervous. ...
Pacifier Pros and Cons — All You Need To Know
Trying to weigh up the pacifier pros and cons can be a challenge. These seemingly innocent tiny devices have the power to either save your sanity — or rule your life. What’s more, expert advice changes like the wind, and should you decide to go for it, you’ll be faced with the tricky decision of which type to try. ...
Best Lactation Foods — Foods To Help With Lactation
If you’re nursing and struggling to keep up with demand, one question that’s likely to cross your mind is, ‘What are the best lactation foods?’ Breastfeeding comes with its own unique set of challenges, especially in those first few months while you settle into a routine. Being a new mom means that you’re probably ...
8 Home Remedies for Sick Baby
When it comes to common infant illnesses, parents have always looked for natural cures. Today, the use of home remedies for babies is quite common. Whether it is honey that reduces coughing or prune juice which relieves constipation, natural sick baby remedies provide an economical way for easing painful symptoms. ...
Newborn Cold: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Chances are your baby's first cold is coming this winter, and possibly even earlier. There are a few things you can do to minimize their discomfort. Knowing how to treat cold in infants could help keep those visits to the clinic to a minimum. All newborns have some immunity to illness. However, they are still ...
5 Baby Teething Remedies
Like the name suggests, teething is a process of baby's teeth erupting through the gum. It typically starts when the child is around six months old. While it's a perfectly natural process and an essential part of every child's development, it can be a distressing time and cause some discomfort. Here are some of the ...
When do Babies Start Teething
The very first tooth is a significant event in every child's life. It can, however, be quite uncomfortable. The more a parent knows about the process of teething, the better he or she can assist the baby with going through it. In this article, we'll take a look at baby teething symptoms and help you find the best ...
Baby Language Development: First Sounds and Words
In many cases, many years pass from the moment of the occurrence of a standstill in the development of speech and language to its diagnosis. During this time, trying to get answers to their concerns, parents visit numerous institutions. Though, they are unconscious of the fact that the time that passes is ...
When Do Babies Start Smiling And Laughing?
Is there anything cuter than a happy child? Its sweet laughter and lovely smile. No, probably not. Well, maybe puppies? No. When it comes to your baby, nothing can compare. If your little one is whipping and grinding, get ready, laughing is on its way. These sounds are the first signs that your toddler is ...
When Do Babies Start To Crawl?
Your little one is growing so fast, and now it is time to crawl. Are you ready to chase your child? Better be! Crawling doesn’t happen overnight, even if it might seem to. All the things your toddler has been doing before were leading to it. Slowly, but surely. First, it was laying on the stomach ...